About Peak

Traditional financial planning doesn't help you make decisions that reflect your Christian faith.

At Peak Financial Management, we help you make biblically-based choices and manage your wealth as a faithful follower of Jesus.

Biblical Principles for Money

Meet Your Christian Financial Advisors

Nick Wolverton

Financial Planner, CFP® CKA®

Nick's experiences equip him to work particularly well with three different groups. In each case, his natural inclinations toward simplicity, collaboration, and deep relational connection offer unique benefits.

The first are those nearing retirement. The common narrative is that this should be the crowning moment of a person's career. What this misses is the fact that many people are financially prepared but very few have considered just how deeply most people's sense of purpose is connected to working. God has given everyone a purpose and as it changes with the seasons it helps to have someone who has walked with others through those changes. Additionally, there are a lot of technical choices to be made at this junction and Nick knows how to simplify and streamline those decisions.

Another group Nick has deep experience working with is young business owners. He comes to this through his own experiences owning a business as well as those of his clients. Invariably, owning a business adds complexity to a person's life, and the cultural narrative is that you have to hustle more and more if you're going to be successful. However, in Nick's experience, the only way to truly find the kind of success that is lasting is to decide "how much is enough", otherwise the goal line will never stop moving. In his experience, there will never be a shortage of ways to spend money and it's only when you decide what will be enough and begin seeing God as the owner that you can experience lasting contentment.    

Nick also finds the opportunity to serve young inheritors of wealth particularly meaningful. The psychological and emotional effects of money are often underrated. As an heir, your relation to a family member or friend can dramatically change how you handle what has been given to you. For some it is like finding money on the ground and having the irresistible urge to spend it. For others, it can be loaded with fears of squandering what a previous generation built. No matter your scenario, the numbers are almost away secondary and you deserve an advisor who knows how to focus on what really matters.

Nick is also a Certified Kingdom Advisor ® (CKA®), ensuring his financial counsel aligns with biblical principles and Christian values.

Chanel Podell

Relationship Manager, RP®

Chanel has been a key member of the Peak Financial team since 2000. As the first point of contact, she works closely with clients to enhance their experience while helping them accomplish their goals. Chanel’s extensive knowledge in the financial services world allows her to provide clients with the guidance they need to navigate its many complexities. Additionally, Chanel has become well versed in the complex world of estate planning and is a great resource to clients in this area. Chanel also has the professional designation of Registered Paraplanner℠.

In her free time, Chanel enjoys vintage sewing machine repair, quilting, and baking, as well as hanging out with her husband, Bob, their son and pups.

Ty Johnson

Financial Planner, CFP® CKA®

Ty loves helping clients live out biblical financial wisdom and is passionate about using investing to represent Jesus in the marketplace. Ty serves a wide range of clientele but especially enjoys working with young families, couples, and individuals who want to manage their money in alignment with God's word. Before becoming a financial planner, Ty attended Colorado Christian University (Sko Cougs!) where he earned his bachelor's degree in business administration and met his wife, Jesse.

Now, they and their two boys live in Castle Rock, CO. Ty enjoys being outdoors, hunting, archery, reading, and writing. But, most of the time, you can find him spending time with his family.

Ty is also a Certified Kingdom Advisor® (CKA®), ensuring his financial counsel aligns with biblical principles and Christian values. Serving the Denver area, he brings a unique blend of professional expertise and faith-based guidance to his clients.

We're Certified Kingdom Advisors® (CKA®)

Our Mission

“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.”

1 Timothy 6:17-19 (NIV)

The Peak Financial Promise

Choosing a Christian financial advisor is a deeply personal decision. With the Peak Financial Promise, we're committed to earning your trust and aligning your financial planning with your faith. We serve as your trustworthy guide for biblically-based investments and financial planning.
If we aren’t the right fit for you and your needs, we recommend someone else who is.
You are never pressured to make a decision.
We make it clear how we are compensated.
We listen carefully to your needs.
We get back to you in 24hrs
We’ll ask you the hard questions.
We will challenge you to give joyfully.